Shollsman Strikes Again! Why Sporting Lagos is Such a Goal⚽


A few days ago Shola, the founder of Paystack announced the launch of his football Club called Sporting Lagos. It brought a lot of excitement to the timeline and the Nigerian tech community at large. 

Reactions ranged from “Here is one of us, doing something new in another field” to “Bob, my man don turn full Abramovich”

For me, it is was both, and much more. We are seeing the second order of the economic effect of tech. And this move by Shola who to me is the model founder will soon be understood in the fullness of time.

There is a blog post I hatch years ago, that I planned to write immediately Nigerian tech had its first proper exit. It was supposed to be after the Paystack acquisition but I have not just got the inspiration to complete it. It basically explains the 2nd order effect and responsibility of our industry if we can become successful. The first two paragraphs of my about page hint at it.

In any case, Shola success with Paystack, and his action with Sporting is an embodiment of the direction of my vision.

I’ll articulate it in future, but for today, we root for Shola and Sporting Lagos as they take to the field for their first match against Go Round Football Club. If you are yet to get a founding membership, then you could buy a match day ticket.

It’s game time!