About Oo Nwoye

I am Oo Nwoye, a Nigerian in tech, working to advance the liberation of black nations and people.
My thinking goes thus; for the black man to be fully liberated, we’d need successful black nations. For that to happen, economic capital and political power will need to aggregate and be retained in the hands of the most enlightened black folks in black nations. I strongly believe Nigeria’s techosystem has the largest concentration of people that can make this liberation happen.
My agenda is to help realise this as a participant, supporter and activist.
I spend most of my days working with founders and early stage investors via TechCircle, providing advisory services for startups in the areas of product and fundraising. At the same time, helping early stage investors with excellent deal flow. I also work with corporations that look to connect with startups, founders, investors and the Nigerian techosystem at large.
Between 2013 -2017 I co-founded a startup with 2 products: Fonenode – Twilio for Nigeria and Callbase – set up call centre in 5 mins; but none made us wealthy. Fingers crossed, the founders I work with in my advisory service will rectify this great anomaly . For now though, I have a side project WriteRack (launched in 2014 before Twitter’s tweet-storming feature) to keep my fingers dirty while I plot a return to building a product that many people use.
I sit on the board of Ventures Platform one of Africa’s most prolific early stage investment companies and I am one of the mentors on Google for Startups program
I have been writing on technology and politics for over a decade and have been quoted in several International Publications including Business Insider, CNN, The Economist, TechCrunch and Bloomberg.
For play, I am either watching Manchester United allow less privileged club sides have their first shot at titles, bingeing a Netflix Series or Movie, stepping down my temperature with a pint or 2 or STAR beer while dreaming up urban design plans for Nigeria, or found in a WhatsApp or Telegram chat arguing about tech, football, politics and policies.
You can hit me up on Twitter where I talk tech or politics or some random shit. My Twitter and Facebook are primarily for broadcast and a few responses. Since Buhari, Trump and Brexit, public social media has had no goddamn chill. I will not be surprised to see the Dalai Lama “clap-back” AKA “gbas-gbos” Pope Francis there one day.
Email (ositanwoye @ gmail), is the best way to contact me.