I’ve got a personal logo. Before you hate me let me explain how this happened 😀
One day last year, I was researching logos. I think I typed a query like “best logos ever” and I came across one of the most awesome logo I have ever seen “TalkMore“. So I did a little research about the person behind the logo and found out the guru behind it Nido, was in Birmingham with me! (then, I was still a Brummie). I got in contact and we chatted over Skype. It was around the time I was returning back to Nigeria so we did not get to meet up. While I was in Nigeria, I was still in contact with Nido and promised to check on him whenever I visited Brum.
Last Thursday, I went to visit my man Joel in Birmingham and made it a point of duty do track down Nido. We agreed to meet up on Thursday evening. We went back and forth via SMS trying to fix a good time. Unfortunately, things came up for Nido and we could not meet up again.
Well, on the way back to London, I got a text from Nido saying he sent me something cos he was feeling bad for not being able to meet up with our appointment. When I returned to London, I opened my email and wow!!!
Trivia fact: The first time I spoke to Nido was when I called to thank him for the logo. And the first question he asked was; “how do they pronounce your name?”. All previous communication was via SMS, email and Skype.
Some people are just AWESOME.
Thank you Nido. I am really grateful.
Now I can now go ahead and think on how to incorporate the awesome generic logo into OoTheNigerian, Political Oo, Oo Nwoye
What a nice story! That’s put a smile on my face (rather similar to your new logo in fact…)
I like it. Memorable for sure.
The catchy part was the tag line “When was the last time you made someone go… Oo” should work on the ladies ….and the PIMPS 🙂
I like !