For those that do not have the patience to watch the video I took a lot of pains to provide above , (believe me it is a good watch. If you are Nigerian, it is a must watch) here is a one line summary. Welcome to Lagos is an excellent documentary that profiles the lives of people living in a certain slum in Lagos. It was aired at the same time as the first UK prime ministers debate so I did not have the opportunity of watching it live. The initial feedback I got was mixed, on one hand, people were complaining ‘the west’ had done it again always looking for an opportunity to rubbish Nigeria, while another group of people were shouting a certain name “vocal slender”. I decided to watch it for my self and here are my notes.
I have never more proud being a Nigerian than I was immediately after watching the documentary. It showed the side of Nigerians I wish the world defined us by. Hardworking, ingenious, resilient and happy people. I was not offended one hour of primetime was focused on the dirtiest area in my country and the reason is, it was shown in context. It was not a 1minute report on CNN speaking of how dangerous Nigeria is but one hour of the forgotten people telling their side of the story. Most Nigerians would not mind a well rounded story even it is not flattering
Quite a number of people are of the opinion that BBC should have shown the ‘real’ Lagos Shoprite, VGC, Ikoyi, Lekki (without the go slow), basically that BBC should have done a promo for Lagos/Nigeria. Well, if we tell our own stories, we would control how we want it told. Secondly, who are you to say that you bloody Blackberry pinning, Number10 clubbing, VI working, Facebooker represents the ‘true’ Lagos? That said, I would like a documentary on the city life of Lagos.
The documentary profiled a few people but focused on two Eric Obuh and a.k.a Vocal Slender a scavenger and Joseph Orji the scrap dealer. When I heard about the documentary, I though it was all about vocal slender so I was surprised when I saw Joseph the great family man, Mohammed the cattle rarer that came to Lagos without speaking a word of English and has rising to become a cattle dealer that speaks five languages and Gabriel the ingenious dude that turns cow blood into animal feed. I realised why everyone including me had vocal slender on our lips, ambition. Vocal Slender was the only one who showed dissatisfaction with his current state and was working hard to leave that life behind. If you have ambition, people will rally behind you. If you seem satisfied, well, you will be left the way you are not destabilized. “To save a drowning man, he must first give you his hand”. Vocal slender has given his hand, and he will be saved.
The life at the dump seemed chaotic yet there was order. It amazed me the peaceful consistence between the slum dwellers irrespective of their origins and showed no existence of the tribal tension the we see on Sahara Reporters everyday.
My criticisms of the documentary
- The Title: ‘Welcome to Lagos’. It could have been less definitive since that is not the only side of Lagos.
- The scheduling: It was broadcast at the same time as the Prime Ministers debate, drastically reducing the audience. I believe that documentary deserves a wider audience.
- The sequel: Welcome to Lagos 2 is a worse sequel than Speed 2.
Additional notes
- I learnt Shaki has got an English name, Tripe.
- The Intro score was bad ass, who is responsible for it?
BBC, thank you for telling their story.
What are your own thoughts on the documentary? If you have not watched it, watch it now.
Proudly Nigerian.
Update: Someone was trolling on my blog insulting me and people commenting. It began to distract from what this blogpost is about therefore, I have had to delete all those comments. I am really sorry for deleting your comments. Thank you for coming to my defence, I really appreciate it. When I find out who the person is (shamefully it a facebook friend of mine who I am certain I know in person) I will hang the person dry :).
Oo, Another Crap from you!!!! Must you become a Blogger by force???
Oo, Another Crap from you!!!! Must you become a Blogger by force???
My sentiments exactly…
Sidenote: If you were following me on twitter, I would have came after you for plagiarism… LOL
My sentiments exactly…
Sidenote: If you were following me on twitter, I would have came after you for plagiarism… LOL
My sentiments exactly…
Sidenote: If you were following me on twitter, I would have came after you for plagiarism… LOL
Me blogger?
Me blogger?
You just rant here, and actually I am still finding it difficult to know your side to the story, Prp Or Against? One problem with you folks in Uk, (Nigerians) is that you tend to think your are now a Britico your Pali Status not withstanding!!! Are you trying to tell us here that the so called Documentary is justified or what??? Let me just tell you the fact, Journalism MUST and remain Balanced in all fairness, why should BBC show only the slum/Ghetto as if it does not exist right under their nose in London for that matter??? and I hope you are not based in Peckam or East London. Besides, do you think the Home Office give a Sh*t about your ranting justifying the documentary so that they will turn your Bloody Nigerian Passport to a different colour??? You remain a Nigerian (Oo the Nigerian) and it is a Bastard that will use his/her left hand in pointing to the father's house!!! Be guided and Blog more on OneFace or OnePage whatever it is……
You should be brave enough to put a name to your comment. You should be very disappointed in yourself for being such a coward. Did you see my status update on balls and leadership. You are the very reason IBB insults our generation.
That aside, I have no problem with the documentary, if you do can you articulate it so we can discuss?
“Let me just tell you the fact, Journalism MUST and remain Balanced in all fairness, why should BBC show only the slum/Ghetto as if it does not exist right under their nose in London for that matter??”
First and foremost, it is NOT a news story, it is a documentary. Secondly, if you want a 'fair' documentary, you do it yourself. 'Simples'! I have criticised the title of the documentary but I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with the content.
“Be guided and Blog more on OneFace or OnePage whatever it is……”
I agree should blog more about OnePage 😉
This Dude (Ohoh) is just a funny character, to call you a clown would be an understatement!!!!
Your so clalled Blog on IBB was without Head or Tail, just like this one on BBC, the fact remains simple, State your Point clearly and stop hiding under your finger like a Gambler that waits till the 89th minute before rooting for a Football side to place bet upon. Guys like you are just sell out, you claim to Blog, but leave Open end statements which you can easily “body fill” later claiming your statements were misconstrued and quoted out of context!!!
I believe you have been in UK for some time to really know how to state your point and being succinct at the same time. What is the difference between a Documentary and News??? Read your response and juxtapose it with the Initial Rant, and see if the two align perfectly.
And for the record, you are an apologist (We know your type in University days, saying one thing but meaning something else, I wont be surprised if you'd not contacted IBB to do “promote” his campaign on OneFace, sorry OneBook/Page”. You think I dont know your tactics abi???
Blogger indeed!!!!
I think Jim represents a problem with the average Nigerian. We like to mask reality, hide our dirty laundry, instead of facing it head on and solving the problem that afflicts the “majority” of Nigerians. The same slums Jim is referring to in London which are still relatively more attractive than most places in Lagos in that there are basic amenities such as accessible roads, power supply, hospital and health centres, police presence….e.t.c.. I know Jim would probably prefer to see some parts of Lekki phase 1 with big houses and people driving SUV's on unpaved roads as typical lagos??? Movies like slum dog millionaire and City of God showed slums in India and Brazil and similar to this documentary in that they portray the mental resilience of the people which is positive.
I agree with 00 in that the title was off but still there was nothing fabricated about Makoko!
Okan, Another apologist, are you also in UK too like NaughtNaught (00)?
I dont have a problem being an average Nigerian, which I beleiev is far better than a Bigot Blogger!!! A Slum will always remain a slum, no matter what you used in “glorifying” it. Ask your self, will BBC do a Dirty Documentary on their own community and not receive knocks? And why did they restrict the viewing to Outside UK if they are being fair and unbiased? Okan, please make up your mind and be objective, besides I have a funny feeling that Okan and Oo is one and the same person, trying to make it look as if the rant is generating traffic.
Oo, Another Crap from you!!!! Must you become a Blogger by force???
Me blogger? Thanks for the compliment :).
You just rant here, and actually I am still finding it difficult to know your side to the story, Prp Or Against? One problem with you folks in Uk, (Nigerians) is that you tend to think your are now a Britico your Pali Status not withstanding!!! Are you trying to tell us here that the so called Documentary is justified or what??? Let me just tell you the fact, Journalism MUST and remain Balanced in all fairness, why should BBC show only the slum/Ghetto as if it does not exist right under their nose in London for that matter??? and I hope you are not based in Peckam or East London. Besides, do you think the Home Office give a Sh*t about your ranting justifying the documentary so that they will turn your Bloody Nigerian Passport to a different colour??? You remain a Nigerian (Oo the Nigerian) and it is a Bastard that will use his/her left hand in pointing to the father’s house!!! Be guided and Blog more on OneFace or OnePage whatever it is……
You should be brave enough to put a name to your comment. You should be very disappointed in yourself for being such a coward. Did you see my status update on having balls and leadership.? You are the very reason IBB insults our generation.
That aside, I have no problem with the documentary, if you do can you articulate it so we can discuss?
“Let me just tell you the fact, Journalism MUST and remain Balanced in all fairness, why should BBC show only the slum/Ghetto as if it does not exist right under their nose in London for that matter??”
First and foremost, it is NOT a news story, it is a documentary. Secondly, if you want a ‘fair’ documentary, you do it yourself. ‘Simples’! I have criticised the title of the documentary but I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with the content.
“Be guided and Blog more on OneFace or OnePage whatever it is……”
I agree should blog more about OnePage 😉
This Dude (Ohoh) is just a funny character, to call you a clown would be an understatement!!!!
Your so clalled Blog on IBB was without Head or Tail, just like this one on BBC, the fact remains simple, State your Point clearly and stop hiding under your finger like a Gambler that waits till the 89th minute before rooting for a Football side to place bet upon. Guys like you are just sell out, you claim to Blog, but leave Open end statements which you can easily “body fill” later claiming your statements were misconstrued and quoted out of context!!!
I believe you have been in UK for some time to really know how to state your point and being succinct at the same time. What is the difference between a Documentary and News??? Read your response and juxtapose it with the Initial Rant, and see if the two align perfectly.
And for the record, you are an apologist (We know your type in University days, saying one thing but meaning something else, I wont be surprised if you’d not contacted IBB to do “promote” his campaign on OneFace, sorry OneBook/Page”. You think I dont know your tactics abi???
Blogger indeed!!!!
Are you REALLY trying to tell me that you can’t see what the blogger’s referring to and what side he’s on? This is what we call “yarning twe twe” common sense is so uncommon.
this jim is delusional.
why do you think everyone here is oo. or you think it’s not possible for so many people to dislike you?
jump off a cliff please. we don’t like you. idiot.
Omo, you are a Goat for daring to call me an Idiot, at least I have a mind and opinion what do you have?
who are you that I cannot call you an idiot, especially after your disgraceful behavior on this blog.
your outbursts are hardly opinions. rants at best.
my opinion. I said it before and I will say it again. You are acting like a delusional idiot.
You needed someone to tell you and I’m glad I did. I hope it hurts. Now you know how it feels.
@ Jim.
I am a big fan of and I won’t let your sad case of verbal diarrhea make him feel bad for blogging, for creating the fantastic application, One page or for granting us a peek into his creative and imaginative mind.
You have decided to come to his blog to assassinate his person and his One page technology for absolutely no justifiable reason. There is nothing wrong with having a different opinion from him. In fact there is nothing unique about what you think. This documentary is very controversial and many Nigerians are torn on one side of the argument spectrum or the other.
The fact that you have a different opinion does not mean that you should come to his blog and act like a jerk. The fact that you have a different opinion does not mean that your opinion is right. You accuse him of being a bigot. I haven’t seen more bigoted comments than some of what you wrote above. Whatever happened to respectful conduct?
It is because of people like you that bloggers like Seth Godin do not accept comments on their blog.
now you are taking it personal by referring to me as a jerk!!!
@ Jim
Proof that you are a jerk
“This Dude (Ohoh) is just a funny character, to call you a clown would be an understatement!!!!
I dont have a problem being an average Nigerian, which I beleiev is far better than a Bigot Blogger!!!
Besides, do you think the Home Office give a Sh*t about your ranting justifying the documentary so that they will turn your Bloody Nigerian Passport to a different colour??? You remain a Nigerian (Oo the Nigerian) and it is a Bastard that will use his/her left hand in pointing to the father’s house!!!
Guys like you are just sell out
I wont be surprised if you’d not contacted IBB to do “promote” his campaign on OneFace, sorry OneBook/Page”. You think I dont know your tactics abi???”
Next time be civil. That is all.
I think Jim represents a problem with the average Nigerian. We like to mask reality, hide our dirty laundry, instead of facing it head on and solving the problem that afflicts the “majority” of Nigerians. The same slums Jim is referring to in London which are still relatively more attractive than most places in Lagos in that there are basic amenities such as accessible roads, power supply, hospital and health centres, police presence….e.t.c.. I know Jim would probably prefer to see some parts of Lekki phase 1 with big houses and people driving SUV’s on unpaved roads as typical lagos??? Movies like slum dog millionaire and City of God showed slums in India and Brazil and similar to this documentary in that they portray the mental resilience of the people which is positive.
I agree with 00 in that the title was off but still there was nothing fabricated about Makoko!
Okan, Another apologist, are you also in UK too like NaughtNaught (00)?
I dont have a problem being an average Nigerian, which I beleiev is far better than a Bigot Blogger!!! A Slum will always remain a slum, no matter what you used in “glorifying” it. Ask your self, will BBC do a Dirty Documentary on their own community and not receive knocks? And why did they restrict the viewing to Outside UK if they are being fair and unbiased? Okan, please make up your mind and be objective, besides I have a funny feeling that Okan and Oo is one and the same person, trying to make it look as if the rant is generating traffic.
I stopped at “dirty laundry” if what I watched was “dirty laundry” then I’ll be saving my washing machine a lot of trouble and saving on my energy. Welcome to Lagos was nothing short of awe inspiring.
Jim, you need to go jump of a bridge. I hear the Thames is nice this time o’ year.
Ekanem, After Oo, jump inside and may the tide carry you back here to Nigeria!!! You are nothing short of another Avatar of Oo
I stopped at “dirty laundry” if what I watched was “dirty laundry” then I'll be saving my washing machine a lot of trouble and saving on my energy. Welcome to Lagos was nothing short of awe inspiring.
Jim, you need to go jump of a bridge. I hear the Thames is nice this time o' year.
Are you REALLY trying to tell me that you can't see what the blogger's referring to and what side he's on? This is what we call “yarning twe twe” common sense is so uncommon.
Ekanem, After Oo, jump inside and may the tide carry you back here to Nigeria!!! You are nothing short of another Avatar of Oo
@ Jim.
I am a big fan of and I won't let your sad case of verbal diarrhea make him feel bad for blogging, for creating the fantastic application, One page or for granting us a peek into his creative and imaginative mind.
You have decided to come to his blog to assassinate his person and his One page technology for absolutely no justifiable reason. There is nothing wrong with having a different opinion from him. In fact there is nothing unique about what you think. This documentary is very controversial and many Nigerians are torn on one side of the argument spectrum or the other.
The fact that you have a different opinion does not mean that you should come to his blog and act like a jerk. The fact that you have a different opinion does not mean that your opinion is right. You accuse him of being a bigot. I haven't seen more bigoted comments than some of what you wrote above. Whatever happened to respectful conduct?
It is because of people like you that bloggers like Seth Godin do not accept comments on their blog.
this jim is delusional.
why do you think everyone here is oo. or you think it's not possible for so many people to dislike you?
jump off a cliff please. we don't like you. idiot.
now you are taking it personal by referring to me as a jerk!!!
Omo, you are a Goat for daring to call me an Idiot, at least I have a mind and opinion what do you have?
Omo OO e be like say this Jim guy carry you for mind. On a lighter note I did watch the documentary and I felt it did little to show the improvements in Lagos over recent times but on the other hand I also had no idea about what life in those areas was like. It was a very educative documentary but a bit one sided. However I don’t expect the BBC or any other foreign channel to advertise Lagos. That would be like asking Rooney not to score against Arsenal :-), it is the job of our local channels to promote our society and so far they are not really doing that. The 2nd episode sucked and I am hoping the final episode tries to balance the scale a bit.
@ Jim
Proof that you are a jerk
“This Dude (Ohoh) is just a funny character, to call you a clown would be an understatement!!!!
I dont have a problem being an average Nigerian, which I beleiev is far better than a Bigot Blogger!!!
Besides, do you think the Home Office give a Sh*t about your ranting justifying the documentary so that they will turn your Bloody Nigerian Passport to a different colour??? You remain a Nigerian (Oo the Nigerian) and it is a Bastard that will use his/her left hand in pointing to the father's house!!!
Guys like you are just sell out
I wont be surprised if you'd not contacted IBB to do “promote” his campaign on OneFace, sorry OneBook/Page”. You think I dont know your tactics abi???”
Next time be civil. That is all.
They say silence is the best answer for a FOOL…
who are you that I cannot call you an idiot, especially after your disgraceful behavior on this blog.
your outbursts are hardly opinions. rants at best.
my opinion. I said it before and I will say it again. You are acting like a delusional idiot.
You needed someone to tell you and I'm glad I did. I hope it hurts. Now you know how it feels.
They say silence is the best answer for a FOOL…
Yeah, enjoyed the documentary, a lot.
Never knew such a place existed in Lagos sef.. But for some very strange reason it reminded me of District 9, I have no idea why…
Here's hoping part 3 will be a lot better than part 2.
Yeah, enjoyed the documentary, a lot.
Never knew such a place existed in Lagos sef.. But for some very strange reason it reminded me of District 9, I have no idea why…
Here's hoping part 3 will be a lot better than part 2.
Oo I couldn't agree with you more. If we write our own story, we will control how it will be told.
Oo I couldn't agree with you more. If we write our own story, we will control how it will be told.
just getting here…deleting comments ain't the way to go. what can not kill you only makes you stronger. should have plain ignored it. I'm extremely all for freedom of expression .
just getting here…deleting comments ain't the way to go. what can not kill you only makes you stronger. should have plain ignored it. I'm extremely all for freedom of expression .
nice post Oo
nice post Oo
District 9? How?
District 9? How?
Yeah, only if the comments contribute to the discussion. Thanks for coming along 🙂
Yeah, only if the comments contribute to the discussion. Thanks for coming along 🙂
I think it had something to do with all the talk about scavengers and the dump, I can't pinpoint it exactly…
I think it had something to do with all the talk about scavengers and the dump, I can't pinpoint it exactly…
I haven't watch District 9 sha.
I haven't watch District 9 sha.
I haven't watch District 9 sha.