

It’s been about 7 years since we all queued up for Ev’s new thing.  Wordpress was deemed clunky and Medium, the ish (we bin dey beg for invite that year o)

What’s changed? TIme.

More specifically, I got tired of not being in control.

Outsourcing your address on the web is a risky thing to do because any day, you can be kicked off that leased plot and you’d lose your audience (graph).

I don’t want to wait until a random change happens.

RSS and custom domains help insure against such things on third-party  platforms but Medium offers neither (custom domain names used to be, but is no longer supported)

Medium has also failed to innovate. For instance, you cannot publish a table on Medium. That’s crazy! and Almost zero levels of customization. I understand Ev is doing what’s best for his company. I’m trying to do the same.

In addition, I have some ideas I’d like to explore like writing different types of content in addition to regular posts.e.g. commentary on articles, quotes, images, etc. I am hoping this influences me to publish more often.

Please, subscribe to my RSS feed if you’re still old school like that 😉

PS: I’ll still post stuff on Medium just to let those there know say “na that side we dey o”

PPS: I definitely miss the gorgeousness that is Medium’s Editor.

Goodbye Medium: Re - Porting Back to Base