The United States has now officially recognized the Libyan rebels as the true representative of the Libyan people.

What nonsense!

First of all let me make this very clear, I think Gadaffi is a mad man and should be sent to a hospital far away. Not too long ago; he called l for the split of Nigeria into two. Karma huh?

However, my not liking Gadaffi should not mean I should not speak against the American and NATO backed double standard coup taking place in the oil filled North African country.

Are we now saying if a good number of people  say 1 million people in Maiduguri, Northern Nigeria or California, USA pick up arms against the government in power, they are now the legitimate representatives?

  • How many people oppose vs those that support Gadaffi?
  • Who determines which side speaks for the Libyan people?
  • When did the mandate shift from enforcing a no-fly-zone aimed at protecting civilians to installing a new government?
  • What happens when/if Gadaffi is topples and his supporters pick up arms and oppose the foisted government?
  • Why is one law for Libya and another for Syria?
  • How many protesters will it take for Iran or Venezuelan to be invaded?
  • What about Zimbabwe? Lolz..will not happen, no oil.
  • Can Israel unilaterally decide to protect the Palestinians from Hamas or the Lebanese fro Hezbollah?

First they came for Gadaffi..

Questions From Libya